Tackling Boat Renovations: A Lesson in DIY and Ingenuity

Ep 17 Removing our sailboat heads - https://youtu.be/KXSqvdSfILE

Hey there,

So, we dove headfirst into some boat renovations recently, and let me tell you, it's been quite the journey. From epoxy mishaps to head removal adventures, we've seen it all.

One invaluable tip we picked up along the way came from watching Saving Uma. They suggested wearing a second layer of gloves when working with epoxy. Genius, right? Trust me, it saved us from a lot of sweaty, messy hand struggles.

Now, onto the real fun: removing the head. Yep, you heard that correctly. It's a messy job, but someone's gotta do it. We encountered the inevitable challenge of trying to extract the bladder without making a mess. After some head-scratching (pun intended), we came up with a makeshift solution involving a sacrificial bottle and a hose clamp. Sometimes, you just have to get creative.

As we tackled the plumbing connections, we were met with a few surprises. Turns out, things were a bit more...complicated than anticipated. But hey, that's all part of the adventure, right?

And let's not forget the glamorous task of dealing with the aftermath. Let's just say, it involved a lot of rinsing and a fair amount of grossness. But hey, that's what happens when you're knee-deep in boat renovations.

In the end, we may have been left scratching our heads (and holding our noses), but we're one step closer to our vision of a fully renovated boat. And hey, having a few boys around to tackle the icky work definitely doesn't hurt.

Until next time,



Boat Renovation Chronicles: The Quest for the Perfect Toilet


Pumping Out the Holding Tanks: A Not-So-Glamorous Task