On the Road Again: Adventures in Traveling with the Family

EP 35 3000 mile family roadtrip - https://youtu.be/nE0l0MUhlqs

Hey everyone, it's me again, giving you an update on our journey as we navigate life on the road. Today marks day one of our trailer-free adventure, and let me tell you, it's been quite the ride.

With our checklist complete, we set off, ready to tackle whatever the road threw our way. First stop? A much-needed bathroom break. Potty stops became a routine, each one accompanied by the question: "How many do you think there will be today?" Ah, the joys of traveling with kids.

As we cruised through Texas, the scenery changed, but our need for bathroom breaks remained constant. But hey, it's all part of the adventure, right? And let's not forget the joys of navigating rest stop availability in the midst of a pandemic. Closed bathrooms, porta-potties—it's all part of the experience.

By day three, the struggle for bathroom access reached new heights. It seemed like every bathroom in the city was closed, leaving us scrambling for alternatives. But fear not, dear readers, for where there's a will, there's a way. A Travel Center presented itself as our beacon of hope, and while food wasn't our priority, the promise of a bathroom was music to our ears.

But amidst the chaos of travel, there's a raw honesty that shines through. Daily vlogging isn't always glamorous, especially when bickering erupts in the background. But hey, that's real life for you. We're not perfect, and our journey isn't always smooth sailing (pun intended). But it's those messy moments that make the adventure worthwhile.

So, why do we do it? Why subject ourselves to the ups and downs of life on the road? Because, despite the challenges, there's beauty in the chaos. There's growth in the struggle. And above all, there's the opportunity to inspire others by sharing our imperfect journey.

As we continue down the road, we invite you to join us. Follow along as we navigate the twists and turns of life on the go. And who knows? Maybe our story will inspire you to embrace the messiness of your own journey.

Until next time, stay adventurous, stay resilient, and remember, it's the bumps in the road that make the journey memorable.


Back in Texas: Boat Work and Family Adventures


Trailer Mucking and Adventure Anticipation