Our Journey to Becoming Boat Owners

Ep 8 Our family bought a blue water sailboat! - https://youtu.be/tYD04pcXatw

Today marks a significant milestone for our family – we're officially boat owners! It's a decision that's been brewing for a while, and despite some initial hesitation from our kids (who think we might have lost our minds), we're diving headfirst into this new adventure.

After some back and forth, negotiations, and a whole lot of paperwork, we finally sealed the deal. We're now the proud owners of a boat. It's a surreal feeling, but one we're embracing wholeheartedly.

Now comes the next steps – getting insurance sorted, completing the necessary Coast Guard paperwork, and of course, finding the perfect name for our new vessel. We're considering naming it after our YouTube channel, but we're open to suggestions – even if Rainbow Dash and Wet Missus aren't exactly what we had in mind!

With the paperwork out of the way, it's time for the real fun to begin – inspecting our new boat. As we step on board, we're greeted with a mix of excitement and apprehension. She's been docked here for nine months, and it shows. She's a little rough around the edges, but nothing we can't handle.

Exploring every nook and cranny, we start to envision the possibilities. From the cozy sleeping quarters to the spacious cockpit, there's plenty of room for our family to make this boat our own. Sure, there's work to be done – like remodeling the galley and assessing the engine room – but we're up for the challenge.

As we inspect each inch of our new vessel, we can't help but feel a sense of excitement building. This boat isn't just a mode of transportation – it's a symbol of freedom, adventure, and endless possibilities. And as we stand on the deck, taking in the salty sea air, we know that this is just the beginning of our journey.

Join us as we navigate the highs and lows of boat ownership, from learning how to sail to putting her back together piece by piece. It's sure to be an adventure unlike any other, and we can't wait to share it with you.

So here's to new beginnings, salty seas, and endless adventures. Let the journey begin!


Why We Chose a Project Boat


Setting Sail: A Family's Journey to Find Their Perfect Boat