DIY Boat Refits: A Family Adventure

Ep 63 DRAIN HOSES and Seacocks -

Hey there, fellow sailors! Last week on our channel, we dove into some serious DIY boat refitting. As a family of six embarking on a world sailing adventure, we're no strangers to getting our hands dirty and making our boat shipshape.

First up, we tackled filling the holes left from our stanchions. Scouring old boats for spare parts, we pieced together what we needed, proving that sometimes the best resources are found in unexpected places. Sharing our favorite DIY refit resources, we hope to inspire fellow adventurers to take the plunge and join us on this incredible journey.

Now, onto the action! Armed with 3M 4200 and determination, we set out to install a seacock. But let me tell you, this stuff is like working with camel snot! With teamwork and perseverance, we managed to get it bolted into place, overcoming the challenge of keeping it steady while securing it below deck.

Next up, tackling the exhaust hose. Ever tried wrestling with a Chinese finger puzzle? Well, that's what it felt like dealing with this hose. But with a little Vaseline and a lot of patience, we got it snug and secure, ready to handle whatever the high seas throw our way.

And who could forget the clamshell vent installation? With precision and a bit of humor, we navigated the tricky process, proving that even the most challenging tasks are conquerable with the right attitude and a supportive crew.

Join us next week as we dive into a crawfish fry, face some unexpected challenges in the boatyard, and put the finishing touches on our floating home. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or dreaming of life on the open water, there's always room aboard for fellow adventurers. So, grab your foul weather gear and join us as we set sail into the unknown!

Fair winds and smooth sailing,


DIY Boat Fittings: Tips and Tricks for Precision


Navigating Boat Maintenance: A Guide to Resources