A Day in the Boatyard: Behind the Scenes of Boat Repairs

Ep 33 Staying in a boatyard - https://youtu.be/XoOjVm5qtUw

Today, we're taking you behind the scenes of boat repairs. We're currently in the boatyard, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of marine boatyard life.

First things first, let's talk about fees. This particular boatyard charges per foot to haul your boat out of the water. Since our boat is 46 feet long, we simply multiply their rate by that to get our total fee. This haul-out fee includes setting the boat up on jack stands and allows for one free move of the stands if needed.

Now, here's the kicker – while this boatyard allows us to do our own work, we can't live on the boat while we're at it. It's a bit of a bummer, but we're making it work. We've heard tales of other boatyards allowing liveaboards, and we envy those lucky sailors.

Join us on a tour of the boatyard. We'll show you how it all works, from getting lifted out of the water to setting up camp in the yard. It's a glimpse into the nitty-gritty world of boat repairs, and we hope you enjoy the ride.

As we watch boats of all shapes and sizes being lifted in and out of the water, we can't help but marvel at the camaraderie of the boating community. Sailboats and powerboats alike share this space, and it's fascinating to swap stories with fellow sailors.

Of course, boatyard life isn't all sunshine and sea breezes. We've got to lock up our belongings, from ladders to makeshift scaffolding, to prevent them from wandering off. And when nature calls, we rely on nearby facilities, as our boatyard's bathrooms leave something to be desired.

But amidst the challenges, there's a sense of camaraderie here. We're all in the same boat, so to speak, working towards a common goal of keeping our vessels shipshape.

As we watch another boat being lowered back into the water, we're reminded of the ebb and flow of boatyard life. It's a constant cycle of repairs and renovations, with each boat getting its turn in the spotlight.

And with that, our tour comes to an end. We hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into boatyard life, and we'll catch you next time as we continue our journey to sail around the world. Don't forget to give us a thumbs up if you liked this video and subscribe for more adventures on the high seas. Thanks for joining us – until next time!


Trailer Mucking and Adventure Anticipation


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